A new arrangement: Using quantum dots to quench the smallest ferrimagnetism: Model of Lieb's 'minimal' ferrimagnetism with Kondo effect using a 'T' of quantum dots - Science Daily

A new arrangement: Using quantum dots to quench the smallest ferrimagnetism: Model of Lieb's 'minimal' ferrimagnetism with Kondo effect using a 'T' of quantum dots - Science Daily
A team of scientists have focused on the Kondo effect on minimal ferrimagnetism and attempted to elucidate it theoretically. As a result, they found that the Kondo effect occurred via multiple 'quantum entangled states' depending on temperature and other fact…
Dr. Nishikawa at Osaka Metropolitan University focused on the Kondo effect on minimal ferrimagnetism and attempted to elucidate it theoretically. As a result, they found that the Kondo effect occurre… [+3130 chars] Read More

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