Types of Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence is seemingly the most complex and astounding creations of humanity yet. And that is disregarding the fact that the field remains massively undiscovered, which means that every AI application that we see today represents merely the tip of the AI iceberg, as it were. While this fact may have been stated and restated numerous times, it is still hard to comprehensively understand the potential impact of AI in the future. But to understand AI completely, we must know the types of AI. There are ways in which AI generally classified. One type is based on classifying AI and AI-enabled machines based on their similarity to the human mind, and their capability to “think” and perhaps even “feel” like humans. According to this system of categorization, there are four types of AI or AI-based systems: limited memory machines, reactive machines, theory of mind, and self-aware AI.

Reactive Machines

Reactive machines are the most primaeval forms of AI systems with minimal capability. They imitate the human mind’s ability to respond to different types of stimuli. These machines do not have memory-based functionality. This means such machines cannot use prior experiences to inform their present actions, i.e., they cannot “learn.” These machines cannot be utilized to rely on memory to improve their operations based on the same hanine pronunciation.

Limited Memory

Limited Memory machines possess the abilities of purely reactive machines; they are also capable of learning from historical data to make decisions. Nearly all existing apps that we know of come under this category of AI. All AI systems nowadays, such as those using deep learning, are trained by large volumes of training data they store in their memory to form a reference model for solving future problems.

Theory of Mind

The last two types of AI have been and are found in abundance; the following type of AI exists, either as a notion or a work in progress. Theory of mind AI is the next level of AI systems that researchers are currently engaged in innovating. A theory of mind-level AI will be able to better understand the entities it interacts with by discerning their emotions, needs, beliefs and thought processes.


This is the final stage of AI development to build systems that can form representations about themselves. Ultimately, AI researchers will have to understand consciousness and create machines that have it. Self-aware AI is pretty much self-explanatory; it is an AI that has developed to be so akin to the human brain that it has forged self-awareness. Building this type of AI, which is decades, if not centuries, away from materializing. Self-aware AI is and will always be the ultimate objective of all AI research.

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